About Us
Navigating the new Waterways Improvement Association website.
CONTACT US - Athena Management Services is the WIA's management company. Athena Management Services number is (346)328-2775. Stacy Everett is the Community Manager and her email is Stacy@athenamgmt.com
DOCUMENTS - Here you find Deed Restrictions, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Guidelines and Policies, and the Architectural Guidelines and application. The documents are on the public side and do not require a log in and pass code.
BOARD - A list of the current board members.
NEWS ARTICLES - Where important notices will be posted as approved by the Board
UPCOMING EVENTS - Where Board and Member meetings and Social events will be posted.
MEMBERS: The members section may be accessed by property owners only. This section provides a Directory of owners, Financial reports, minutes of meetings, ACC information, How to make a payment, Gates remotes and Boat Ramp key information.